Tag: Bible verses about God’s love

Bible Verse of The Day – 2-18-16

1 Corinthians 13: 1-3 (NKJV) 1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.

It is because of love that God sent His only begotten Son to take our place on that cross. Because of our sin, we should have been the ones to endure what Jesus went through. The pain and suffering should have been ours.

He shouldn’t have had to do it. He was perfect and knew no sin.

But because of such beautiful love, He did it! He did it for each one of us personally.

Can we take such an example as this and let it move us? Let it teach us and speak to our very being, that we too may walk in such love.

It’s not going to be easy. It will take one step, one day, and sometimes one minute at a time, as we learn to push back all the other feelings that try to pull on us, and all the other ways of doing things that may come to mind.

It will take putting ourselves aside and doing things different than what we are used to. It will take A LOT. But remember what it required of Jesus and what He went through to show us the WAY. It was more than what we could ever endure.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NKJV) 4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Ask Jesus to help us walk in such love. A love that is so strong it will cause people to see nothing but His precious Son, Jesus Christ, moving through us.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Bible Verse of The Day – 9-30-15

Romans 8:38-39 (NKJV) 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Today, we want to encourage you!

So many of us have faced battles. We’ve walked through storms. We’ve made tough decisions.

Some of our choices and decisions have been good ones, while others might not have been so good. And maybe we’re reaping from some of those bad choices. It happens to all of us at some point in our lives.

And when it does happen, it can be devastating. And we can question God’s love for us in light of the things we might have said or done.

But here is hope for you. Here is truth that will set things straight and set your heart and mind at ease.

There is nothing that we can do that can separate us from the love of God.

It doesn’t matter how deep we’ve sunk. It doesn’t matter how terrible our choices have been or how bad our actions might seem.

God. Will. Never. Stop. Loving. Us.

His word promises this and He isn’t a man that can lie.

So rest today in knowing this. Repent from your choices and run into His arms, where He is waiting for you with them wide open.

Know today, that beyond anything else, you are loved beyond measure.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Bible Verse of The Day – 6-29-15

1 John 4:7 (NKJV) 7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

Jesus came and lived among us, and He loved those He spent time with.

He ate with and spent time with those who society would consider undesirable; prostitutes, tax collectors, adulterers and more.

These very same people would be looked down upon if they entered many of today’s modern church buildings. Some might even be asked to leave.

If God’s love is ever to be portrayed to the world, how can it happen if we, the body of Christ, shun people and turn them away based on how they look or how we perceive them?

We will admit that some people can be hard to love. They might be obnoxious, boisterous or downright unruly and rebellious. But there was never a moment in our lives when we were the picture of perfection. And yet, God loved us in spite of ourselves.

So who are we not to show that same love to those who we come into contact with?

No, it’s not always easy. In fact, sometimes it can be downright difficult. And those people that we’re trying to love can be the very ones that make it the hardest. But loving people is not an option. It’s a command from Jesus himself.

Matthew 5:44-45 (NKJV) 44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

So, as His body, we need to cut through all of the noise, all of the heated debates, all of the propaganda and everything else that would try to get in the way. And we need to love.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Bible Verse of The Day – 9-29-14

John 15:13 (NKJV) 13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

Have you ever questioned God’s love for you?

Have you ever doubted that God could love any of us?

I have. You see, I’m a thinker. I have a personality type that makes me a logical person. I like to reason things out and try to understand everything.

And to be honest, sometimes I have thought long and hard about whether God really loves us as much as so many people tell us that He does. You know, unconditionally.

I mean, the vast majority of us are really quite unlovable once we get past our church faces and our public facades. And I don’t say that to be rude or accusing. It’s just the way it is with so many of us.

We can have bad habits. We can think bad thoughts. We can do bad things to each other. We can just be downright mean sometimes. And we do this while trying to convince everyone how nice we are or how godly we are.

So I’ve asked God about it, on many different occasions. One of those occasions was this past weekend while I was out fishing.

And it isn’t some deep question. I just asked Him if He really does love us unconditionally. And He answered me rather quickly. YES.

He does love us unconditionally. And the proof is in the fact that He sent His son to die for us, even while we were (and are still) vial sinners.

Romans 5:8 (NKJV) 8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

So if you’re a logical thinker like me, rest your weary, inquisitive, logical mind and know that you are, in fact, loved by the Creator, very, very much!

And here’s one more little tidbit for you to start the week off with. Being a logical thinker doesn’t mean that I have to have answers for all of my questions. It just means that I have to have bigger faith in an awesome God 🙂

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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