Your Daily Bible Verse – 1-16-12

(Psa 130:3-4 NKJV)  If You, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? {4} But there is forgiveness with You, That You may be feared.

I’m not sure why, but I really felt led to do a teaching on forgiveness today. But not just a teaching on forgiveness in a general sense… something specific, to show that there is forgiveness to be partaken of.

Some people really wrestle with being forgiven for the things that they’ve done wrong in their lives.

We have all done foolish things and made very poor choices, causing others to be hurt by our mistakes and poor decisions. As we see the results of our sin and begin to repent, we often struggle with being forgiven by those that we have hurt and by God.

Many times we are ashamed of what we’ve done, and rightly so. But it’s never, ever too late to make things right and start fresh. Every day is a new day with God and a new opportunity to put our past behind us.

Before we can start fresh, we need to fully understand that forgiveness is ours, if we would only ask for it. God offers forgiveness to anyone who will ask. He does not look at us and compare us to someone else to see if we’ve done something worse than them or not. God’s word says that he is not partial toward one person over another (Acts 10:34, James 2:1-12).

This assures us that if we come to God and ask Him to forgive us, He will! So if you’re struggling with being forgiven (and feeling forgiven) today, stop struggling! Let go of your mistakes and move forward. Know in your heart that forgives is yours if you simply ask for it.

Be forgiven today, in the name of Jesus, and let your soul be at peace.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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