Your Daily Bible Verse – 11-24-11

(Eph 5:31 NKJV)  “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”

Marriage is not something to be taken lightly. Marriage is a vow, made between a man and a woman, promising to spend the rest of their lives together.

The vast majority of people who get married nowadays go into their marriage relationship with a “let’s try it and see” attitude. They believe they can try marriage out, like taking a car for a test drive.

This is a very sad thing to see, as people spend years of their lives giving their marriage only half of the effort it deserves and then giving up and walking away when it doesn’t turn out like the fairy tales in the books and movies.

Marriage is the most significant commitment that any of us will make, second only to our commitment to God himself. We need to take it seriously because it’s a serious thing.

Men and women need to work at their marriage equally. It needs to be a joint effort. There isn’t a greater burden or responsibility on the man or the woman. Both are responsible for making it work.

If you’re in a marriage that is having trouble, we urge you to make every effort to work it out. It takes two people to make a marriage work. This can’t be emphasized enough.

Both people need to respect each other and honor each other. This is not optional!

We have gotten a lot of emails the past couple of days with many, many questions and prayer requests. We will be replying to them during the next few days. If you have a question or prayer request regarding your marriage, please feel free to reply to this email
and we will be honored to try to help you.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie
Seven Seas Ministries

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