Your Daily Bible Verse – 11-4-11

(Mark 12:31 NKJV)  “And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

This is a hard commandment. Loving our neighbor can be a difficult thing to do sometimes.

We may think that it’s not hard, but if we truly understand the meaning of it we will know how difficult it can be to really love our neighbor.

Our neighbor isn’t always the person living right next door to us. Sometimes it’s a person we see frequently in a local place. Sometimes it might be referring to someone we work with. And then other times it might be someone who is literally our neighbor, living right next to us.

In order to love them, we need to learn to see them through God’s eyes. We need to have God’s compassion for them. We need to see them as lost and without hope, just as we were before God saved us.

If we can learn to see them this way it will make it much easier to have compassion for them and to love them.

If God can love us in spite of our sin, we can love our neighbors in spite of theirs.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie
Seven Seas Ministries

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