Bible Verse of The Day – 9-13-21

Part 6

1 Corinthians 6:10 (NKJV) 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

Welcome to the final teaching in this series. Thank you for sticking with it all the way through!

Thieves; people who steal another person’s property.

Covetous; having or showing a great desire to possess something belonging to someone else.

Thievery and covetousness go hand in hand. It is coveting what someone else has that leads many to engage in thievery, stealing what is not theirs, taking possession of what they did not earn or work for.

Some may shrug this off as not being as bad as other sins. But rest assured that it is every bit as bad, regardless of the level of severity at which it is engaged in.

Drunkards; people who habitually and regularly engage in over-consumption of alcohol to the point of being drunk.

Drunkards are not looked at favorably in God’s word. Many times, they are compared to gluttons. It is said in God’s word that the drunkard will come to poverty (Proverbs 23:21).

Alcoholism is a serious problem. It can and will literally kill you. And the spillover effects from it onto the lives of those around the drinker are devastating and long-lasting. If you struggle with it, get help! Don’t let it destroy you and the ones you love.

Revilers; people who use words to sharply criticize, verbally abuse or destroy others.

This is one of the toughest forms of abuse to spot because there are no visible wounds or symptoms on the part of the abused person. Verbally abused people are usually also abused emotionally due to the constant onslaught of the words and insults hurled at them.

If you are a reviler, stop and consider those you are hurling insults at. Get help with your anger and cynicism. Ask God to show you where your heart needs to change, and then let Him begin making those changes in you. Nobody should live their lives abusing those around them. Let God change you from the inside, out, and let His love replace whatever is causing you to constantly lash out.

Extortioners; those who steal by way of threats or force (coercion).

This sin ties in very closely with thievery and covetous. The only difference is that the extortioner takes what they want in ways that make it less visible to those around them.

Come clean before God. Confess your sin and repent before Him, asking Him for His mercy upon your life. You don’t have the right to take what is not yours. Let God put your feet on a new path today, before your way of life destroys you.

As we wrap this up, take note what the scriptures above say; no one practicing these things “will inherit the kingdom of God”.

This is a warning that needs to be taken seriously by all of us. God does not take sin lightly, particularly habitual sin that we keep going back to.

But we want to state very clearly that there is hope and there is help for anyone who is participating in these sins and wants to get free of them.

God does not show favoritism. This means that He will help you get free from whatever you wrestle with if you are sincere and you have a repentant heart.

Go to Him. Confess your sins. Get the help you need. Don’t let sin control you any longer.

Let the blood of Jesus set you free.

John 8:36 (NKJV) 36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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