Tag: relaxing

Your Daily Bible Verse – 12-23-11

(Gen 2:2 NKJV)  And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.

Oh how I love this verse…how God Almighty Himself took a rest after all His work. Do we understand that we need to rest, that we need to take a break and breathe? It’s OK to do this. It’s important to do this! There’s nothing wrong with us if we take a break once in a while. We’re not lazy, or slothful… we are simply resting, and following God’s example.

To have balance in all we do is wise. We need balance. All work with no play is not good. All play without work is NOT good. So, we say, work the week and play on the weekends.

For some of us there is no time, because on weekend is when we play catch up from the hectic week we had. This leaves us almost no time for rest and play. Not even a little.

Take some time and really pray about this. I know that even in this God can direct us and show us how to make things a little easier for ourselves. Too much work can be very stressful on the body, mind and soul and on our relationships with our spouse, our children, our coworkers etc.

Just a little reminder…get some rest/playtime. Laugh and have fun! God rested and so should we!!

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808

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