Month: November 2023

Bible Verse of The Day – 11-8-23

Ezekiel 33:7 (NKJV) 7 “So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me.

Watchman: A man who is set to stand guard or keep watch. A person who keeps watch over a specific place or territory. A sentinel; a guard.

A watchman is someone who plays a key role in protecting a place.

Some might think of a watchman as someone who keeps guard at night. And while this is often the case today, in days of old a watchman was in place at all hours of the day or night to help protect a city or area.

Many might think of a watchman being on a wall or in a tower, using the advantage of height to gain a better perspective and give them an advantage over approaching enemies or those who may pose a danger.

And while watchmen of this type were common in ancient Israel, patrolling the tops of walls and stationed in towers, Ezekiel was called by God to be a different type of watchman.

God used Ezekiel in mighty ways to speak to the people of Israel, giving them instructions and warnings to rein in their errant behaviors and put an end to their idolatry and their lack of reverence toward God.

Just as God used Ezekiel in this way, as a watchman, He also calls us to do the same.

He wants us to be vigilant and discerning, watching, and issuing warnings when we see danger.

We live in a time where there is much reason to be on high alert. We must be exercising elevated levels of discernment to be able to see danger, even when it presents itself as a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

So, let us each do his or her due diligence, pressing into God, keeping ourselves tightly knit to Him so as to see and understand the warnings He gives, and taking the appropriate actions as He leads us.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 11-7-23

John 13:12 (NKJV) 12 So when He had washed their feet, taken His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you?

I find it interesting that Jesus asked this question, “do you know what I have done to you?”.

It’s always important to know why Jesus did what He did.

He never said or did something without a reason.

Even today in our personal lives, everything He does for us has a meaning to it. We should know why, and if we don’t know, we need to find out.

After washing their feet, Jesus wanted to know if the disciples knew what He had just done to them.


Because if they truly knew what He had done, it would be because they had a deep understanding.

They would see beyond the simple act of foot washing and understand the true meaning behind it, and they would walk it out in their own lives.

If we went to a class and were taught all day long, but we didn’t understand what we were being taught, what good would it do us?

It wouldn’t do us any good!

We would have knowledge but no understanding to use it properly and make a difference with it.

Not knowing why we do what we do is pointless.

Jesus was setting an example for them.

He, being their teacher, was serving them by washing their feet. His example was to teach them humility and servanthood, two things all believers need to walk in.

We need to keep this position in our hearts no matter who we are or become.

John 13:15 (NKJV) 15 For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.

Washing someone’s feet is a humbling task to perform, and also very humbling to receive if we have the right heart.

It’s in this state of humility we must remain in all that we do.

Jesus doesn’t expect us to go around literally washing feet all day. It’s about the state of our heart, where we must remain humble as we do the work of God.

We should not expect others to serve us. We need to take that role and be the servant we have been shown and called to be.


Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries 
49 N Lamplighters Walk 
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 11-6-23

Colossians 2:6-7 (NKJV) 6 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, 7 rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.

Many believers struggle to grow in their faith in God and their walk with Him.

Most times this happens due to misplaced emphasis in their efforts.

Let me explain.

It is critical for us to understand that God’s word is the foundation of everything that we need when it comes to growing as a believer.

If we spend our time studying and getting understanding of God’s word, led by the Holy Spirit, we can’t go wrong.

If, however, we spend some time in God’s word, some time reading “Christian books”, some time reading philosophical books, we will be receiving a mixture of information and impartations that can lead us down a rocky road in our faith walk.

Now, this is not to say that we cannot read books written by Christian authors. But it should be emphasized that we need to be balanced and careful in what we consume as part of our learning.

Some books can give us information that may not be Biblically accurate. And if we are not well versed in scripture, or we fail to take the time to research what we read in these books to confirm its validity, we can be led down paths that are not giving us deeper understanding of truth, but giving us opinions or philosophical tidbits that could be based on false information that we should not trust.

This can cause us to move away from God, instead of closer to Him, or create an unscriptural mixture in our understanding, without us realizing that it is even happening.

So, how do we prevent that from happening to us?

We “walk in Him” as stated in the verses above. We keep our focus on Him, not Him plus something, plus something else.

We use God’s word to build us up in Him, “establishing us” in the faith. We spend time in His word, absorbing it, gaining understanding of things that we never knew or understood before.

Then, we let that new knowledge and understanding shape and strengthen our walk with our Savior and Redeemer.

Finally, we use God’s word as a guide by which everything we see, hear, or read is verified as true or false.

This simple way of approaching our walk with God will help us grow greatly while fending off possible false teachings, thereby keeping us on the path that helps us grow and mature safely.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 11-5-23 – Understanding Righteous Judgment

Please click to watch the video now.Greetings in the precious name of Jesus. 

God is faithful in all things, and He is the same yesterday, today and forever! 

We have a new video for you today, Understanding Righteous Judgment. 

In this new video, we discuss what it means to judge someone righteously, and what Jesus meant when He told us not to judge others unless we want to be judged. 

Keep pressing into God and draw near to Him in all things. 

Please click here to watch the video now. 

We love you all. 

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie 

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443  


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Bible Verse of The Day – 11-4-23

Psalm 44:21 (NKJV) 21 Would not God search this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart.

We never know what goes on behind closed doors. We never know what people are going through inside.

Even within our own hearts, we may be hurting or struggling and have never told a sole what burdens we carry.

It may have weighed us down for years.

Are we tired of carrying this weight?

It’s time to let out the secrets. It’s time to get free from being in prison to ourselves and our unspoken burdens.

It’s OK to share what we have endured; God already knows.

If we remain in this hidden state, the burden of the secret will just grow heavier each day and each year that goes by. And it can eat us up from the inside, out.

God sees it all and He can help us get free.

What goes on behind your closed door? How do you feel when no one else can see you?

When you lay in bed at night, what taunts you?

Matthew 11:28 (NKJV) 28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Let the truth be told; no more secrets.

Live a life free of the things that taunt you, and rest easy.


Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries 
49 N Lamplighters Walk 
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 11-3-23

Psalm 139:13-14 (NKJV) 13 For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. 14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.

If you have been with us for any length of time, you have probably noticed that we write frequently about the human body and the miracle that it is.

God has created our bodies in an intricate and complex way.

Every little piece and each unique part play specific roles in our existence, our bodily functions, and our overall health.

Here is a case in point.

Yesterday I laid down for a short nap. The morning had been extremely busy, so I decided to rest a bit.

After sleeping for a brief time, as I woke, my eyes happened to focus on our wood coffee table.

I have never paid much attention to this before, but as my eyes began to focus after waking up, the grain of the wood caught my attention. The intricate beauty of it overwhelmed my senses.

It was incredibly beautiful.

And then it hit me that this was only possible because of God’s miraculous creation of the human eye.

He created our eyes in such a way that we can see colors, depths, textures, and much more, all in a split second.

It is incredibly hard to put what I felt at that moment into words that can fully convey it.

Suffice it to say that the incredible sovereignty of God hit me hard.

His works are beyond anything we can fully comprehend. And yet, we live each day inside of these miraculous bodies while barely giving it a thought.

Let us see and recognize Him, giving Him all honor and glory, and behold His wonders for the miracles that they are. Amen

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 11-2-23

Proverbs 17:22 (NKJV) 22 A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.

Being around merry people is a good thing. It’s like medicine!

We all need to have good people around us; people who can make us laugh. People that are uplifting to be around. People who are encouraging and full of life.

It’s so important we get our dose of merriness!

Being around negative people and “downers” can cause us to take on their same attitude if we are not careful.

It’s not funny how easily we can start acting like those that we hang with and listen to a lot.

People that are hurt may tend to be negative. They will usually be bitter. They will not want to discuss fun and exciting things. They usually prefer to hear bad drama.

So, we need to limit our time with them.

Broken people don’t want to see anything good. They are lost in their sorrow, and they have the “poor me” attitude.

They may also have the “I have the right to act like this attitude”.

If we can’t positively impact them, then we may want to try to avoid spending a lot of time with people that are never happy.

We should obviously try to share the love of God with them and try to lift them up. But there will be some who, no matter what others say or do for them, will find something to cry about.

Try to spend time with those who are happy, cheerful, and encouraging to be around, and get a dose of good medicine!

It will rub off on you, especially if you may be going through a hard time or in need of encouragement.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries 
49 N Lamplighters Walk 
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 11-1-23

Malachi 3:6 (NKJV) 6 “For I am the Lord, I do not change;

Please join me today as I share a little story with you.

This story should help you see God in a way that you may not have seen Him before. And I believe that God will use it to help grow your faith and trust in Him.

As many of you may already know, we launched our new podcasts a few weeks ago.

While preparing everything for that, there was a considerable amount of research that had to be done to find a suitable platform upon which the podcasts could be published.

My hope was that we could find a Christian company that would host them, and hopefully do it for a reduced charge for other Christians.

As I was deep into my research, I found one such Christian platform that offered this exact service.

Better yet, their services were free to other Christians.

Great, right? Well, I thought so too. But then I dug deeper.

Before signing up for their service, there was a lengthy agreement that needed to be read and signed. This agreement shared their statement of faith, and that statement contained a small piece stating all users of their platform must also agree with their statement of faith.

As I read through it from top to bottom, I was in full agreement with what it said, until I reached a section near the end that made me stop in my tracks.

It said this:

“Our platform is not open to the dissemination of such distinctive Charismatic and Pentecostalist views as tongues, healing… etc.”

I stopped right there and knew this was not a platform we would be welcome on.

Why? Because we believe the entirety of God’s word.

You see, God does not change.

He has miraculously healed people down through the centuries, and His healing powers are still alive and well today.

I am living, walking, talking proof of this. Nobody will ever silence me about it.

God healed me and delivered me from asthma at the age of 37. His healing power is real. Amen.

It was disconcerting and disheartening to see that followers of Christ would deny the power of God, and then deny the opportunity for other believers to propagate the truth of who God is via their platform.

But I know this is reality.

Some are not comfortable with things they may not understand. So, instead of gaining understanding, the thing they fail to understand is simply pushed aside, labeled as no longer active or valid in God’s kingdom.

This is akin to saying that the Holy Spirit was only here and active for a season, and then He vacated the premises to go into hiding somewhere while we wait for the return of Jesus.

In light of the fact that the Holy Spirit was here and active in the creation of everything, He was active throughout the centuries leading up to the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and visibly active during the early days of the church, why would He not still be active today?

That line of thought is not at all consistent with who God is; our Rock and Redeemer by Whom all things came into being. The Great I AM. Yahweh. Elohim.

He does not change. It is not in His nature to do so.

Let us take Him at His word in its entirety, including those things that we may not fully understand.

As we do this, we will see Him move more powerfully in our lives and give us deeper understanding through the faith that we allow Him to plant in us, and then water, and grow.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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