Category: Trusting God

Your Daily Bible Verse – 1-25-12

(Prov 3:13-14 NKJV) Happy is the man who finds wisdom, And the man who gains understanding; {14} For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, And her gain than fine gold.

If at any time we are not sure what to do and feeling confused about the situation we are in or the decision we have to make, remember that God wants us to get His wisdom and understanding; don’t make a decision based on uncertainties. Get God on it.

Wait on Him. Oh how faithful HE is!!

When we get God’s wisdom and understanding, there is NO guessing, and there is no wondering. There is simply a KNOWING that comes. Even if we don’t know the whole thing, just a little piece is Good enough!!


Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Your Daily Bible Verse – 1-24-12

(Acts 3:1-7 NKJV)  Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. {2} And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms from those who entered the temple; {3} who, seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, asked for alms. {4} And fixing his eyes on him, with John, Peter said, “Look at us.” {5} So he gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. {6} Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” {7} And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.

Today was a particularly hard day for me. There were a couple of things that came my way this morning that tried to ruin my day and set me on a bad course.

God had prepared me for this, though, so I had to lean on Him and pull on Him to keep from spending the day hanging my head and letting the enemy get the best of me.

Have you ever had one of those days? I thought so!

But because we have God on our side, He tells us to RISE UP and walk. We have no excuse for lying down and letting ourselves be depressed or miserable.

We can choose to lie down and lick our wounds or we can grab God’s hand and let Him pick us up and strengthen us. Which will you choose?

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Your Daily Bible Verse – 1-23-12

(Psa 27:6 NKJV)  And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me; Therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the LORD.

It’s Monday and the beginning of a new week. Let us claim our Victory this week at the beginning of the week. Let’s start off this Monday by singing praises to our Lord first and foremost. The way to start a new week is to do first things first. Give God the glory ahead of time, sing praises to Him, and give sacrifices of JOY.

If we are struggling today, we need to SING! If we are hurting today, we need to SING! If we are depressed today we need to SING and if we are sick and not feeling good today, we need to SING!!

This shows God that we trust HIM! Show Him that we know, that we know, that we know OUR Victory is here! God is so GOOD!


Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Your Daily Bible Verse – 1-19-12

(Heb 13:6 NKJV)  So we may boldly say: “The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”

God is our helper at all times, through thick and thin. If we need help, He is there! If we don’t need help… He will still be there, waiting for when we do!

We may think at times that God is not listening, He doesn’t want to help us, He doesn’t realize what we have been through or what we are going through right now. Sometimes we may feel like He has left us.

Don’t believe it for one second, He will not leave us or forsake us, no matter what. In those quiet times when we don’t hear anything from Him, we just need to wait. Wait patiently until the door opens. We will know when it does.

Think about this; we have Christ, the Messiah, His Spirit living in us. This Man is the Son of the Almighty God, The God that created this world! He has the Power to do all things, the way He wants to and He is on our side!

There is NOTHING to be afraid about. (John 14:26 NKJV)  “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

Man can’t touch us if we walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and let God lead us. If we stop being afraid of every little thing and trust God, He will lead us into VICTORY!

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Your Daily Bible Verse – 1-18-12

(Mat 25:29 NKJV)  ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.

This is a hard teaching because at first glance it might seem like God’s word is saying that the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. The truth is quite different, though, so let’s take a look at this for a few minutes.

In this verse, Jesus is teaching in a parable. He tells about some people who were given money to take care of and told by the owner of it to handle it wisely.

Those who handled it correctly invested it wisely and the money increased, but the one who handled it poorly did nothing with it and there was no increase. In fact, he buried it in the ground!

When the owner of the money returned, he was happy with the results from those who handled it wisely, and understandably disappointed with the one who buried it in the ground. Those who were wise were rewarded with abundance, whereas the one who handled it foolishly was rejected and cast away from the others.

This can be taught from a spiritual point of view or a literal point of view, dealing specifically with finances. Today we’ll talk about finances.

Are we handling the finances, and the resources that God has blessed us with, correctly? Are we seeking God’s wisdom and counsel as to how to handle our money and other resources, or are we making all our own decisions and figuratively burying it in the ground?

What we have is not our own. It has been handed to us to be stewards of, to take care of and make it grow. How we handle it is 100% up to us and how we are rewarded (or not rewarded) is based on how well we handle these things.

We need to ask God if we’re handling His resources properly and wisely. He will be truthful to show us. We just need to be diligent and listen.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Your Daily Bible Verse – 1-17-12

(Psa 116:1-2 NKJV)  I love the LORD, because He has heard My voice and my supplications. {2} Because He has inclined His ear to me, Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live.

How many of us today can testify that God has heard our cry and answered us faithfully?

There have been a few seasons in our lives where all I could do is cry out. I can remember feeling at times that if God didn’t do something soon or give me some kind of light at the end of this tunnel I was going through, I didn’t know what I was going to do.

But God came through every time, as He will do for you too, if He hasn’t already! This is a good day to Praise Him. He is an AWESOME God and so worthy to be Praised.

Spend some time today just reminiscing on the good things that God has done for you! We are so blessed to have such a good Daddy that loves us so much! He loves us people!

We don’t have to prove anything to Him. We don’t have to look a certain way, or have some fabulous job, or luxurious house. He loves us just the way we are. Be you today

Give Him praise the way you want to and how you want to. It doesn’t matter if some people may think it’s silly or crazy…do it anyway.

Be you and Praise the One who made you!

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Your Daily Bible Verse – 1-16-12

(Psa 130:3-4 NKJV)  If You, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? {4} But there is forgiveness with You, That You may be feared.

I’m not sure why, but I really felt led to do a teaching on forgiveness today. But not just a teaching on forgiveness in a general sense… something specific, to show that there is forgiveness to be partaken of.

Some people really wrestle with being forgiven for the things that they’ve done wrong in their lives.

We have all done foolish things and made very poor choices, causing others to be hurt by our mistakes and poor decisions. As we see the results of our sin and begin to repent, we often struggle with being forgiven by those that we have hurt and by God.

Many times we are ashamed of what we’ve done, and rightly so. But it’s never, ever too late to make things right and start fresh. Every day is a new day with God and a new opportunity to put our past behind us.

Before we can start fresh, we need to fully understand that forgiveness is ours, if we would only ask for it. God offers forgiveness to anyone who will ask. He does not look at us and compare us to someone else to see if we’ve done something worse than them or not. God’s word says that he is not partial toward one person over another (Acts 10:34, James 2:1-12).

This assures us that if we come to God and ask Him to forgive us, He will! So if you’re struggling with being forgiven (and feeling forgiven) today, stop struggling! Let go of your mistakes and move forward. Know in your heart that forgives is yours if you simply ask for it.

Be forgiven today, in the name of Jesus, and let your soul be at peace.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Your Daily Bible Verse – 1-14-12

(1 Sam 17:48-49 NKJV)  So it was, when the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet David, that David hastened and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine. {49} Then David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone; and he slung it and struck the Philistine in his forehead, so that the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the earth.

I was babysitting my grandchildren today. My grandson asked me, “you want to battle?”  So to get his definition at 4 yrs. old, I asked him, “what do you mean by battle?” He says, “you go against the enemy…the bad guy and you attack him and beat him down. “I said, OK, you show me how you play this game.”

So, I stood there, got my stance ready and said, “who am I?  He says, “you’re my enemy, the bad guy.” I said, “ok…what do I do?” He says, “you try to come at me.”

Within seconds, before I could even think or take a step toward him, he came at me so fast, with all his might. He was swinging his little arms, and making growling sounds! I didn’t stand a chance. He had me stepping backwards and I was losing ground on him.

Let me ask you today; are you standing around waiting for your enemy to attack you or are you ready to go after him. David did not wait for the enemy; he ran toward him. Hhe was ready and armed and he destroyed his enemy!

Is something trying to defeat you today, take you out, shut you down from having a victory?  Don’t let it have any ground on you… go after it! You have MIGHT, POWER and VICTORY living in you through Jesus Christ. You are not alone!!
Praying is the thing we should do if we want to win a battle. God will always show us the steps to take as we seek Him.

You see, the worst thing we can do is get negative in any situation. That gives the enemy ground, right there. That shows him we are afraid, when you show your enemy you are afraid of them they know they’ve got you.

So, stay positive. Look at the good things and speak of them. Even if you are in a terrible situation you can always find something good.

Stay alert, but stay calm and let God guide you through. He is a WINNER for sure and if you follow Him, You will win Too! The enemy will not stand a chance!

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Your Daily Bible Verse – 1-12-12

(John 14:24 NKJV) “He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.

Keeping God’s word and the things He commands us fresh in our hearts everyday may take putting time aside to read and study. Learning more about God helps us to walk through this life with the right attitude, knowledge, wisdom and, most importantly, the love needed to share with others. It is all about getting our hearts right with God. If we don’t get our heart right with God and let Him change us from the inside out, we won’t be able to help anyone.

This does not mean that we will always do everything right. There will be times when we make mistakes, but even in those times God will help us fix things, as we go to Him, being careful not get stubborn and push away from Him. Staying open to God and those He may use to help us at times is so important.

God is a good God and He wants the best for us all. Keeping His words shows Him how much we love Him. We can tell Him we love Him all we want, and He loves to hear it!! But we also need to show Him by keeping His Words dear to us and acting on it  every moment of every day.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Your Daily Bible Verse – 1-7-12

(1 Ki 17:14-16 NKJV)  “For thus says the LORD God of Israel: ‘The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the LORD sends rain on the earth.'” {15} So she went away and did according to the word of Elijah; and she and he and her household ate for many days. {16} The bin of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil run dry, according to the word of the LORD which He spoke by Elijah.

Elijah was told by God to find a specific woman; a widow with a son. She was gathering sticks to build a fire, cook a small meal for herself and her son and then die, as the meal she was preparing was all they had.

Elijah asked her for a drink of water and a meal to eat. The woman explained to him that she was about to eat her last meal and then die.

Elijah was a man of great faith and assured the woman that if she would do as he had asked, God would supply her needs and she would not die.

As Elijah had promised, she fed him and the oil in her jar never dried up. Her flour never ran out. They ate without lack until the famine was over.

Let this woman be an example to all of us. She didn’t give out of her abundance. She gave out of her lack and her need.

We get asked a lot of questions about giving and tithing. Let me state emphatically that tithing is a necessity. Giving to God before we give to anyone or anything else is critical to our financial well-being. We have many people tell us that they don’t know if they can afford to tithe. We always respond and tell people that they can’t afford not to tithe.

Giving is necessary if we ever expect to receive. If we don’t sow, we will never reap a harvest. If we’re lacking, we have probably not been giving.

As we shared previously, we have been in situations where we were lacking and our finances were falling apart. We got there because we were not putting God first in our finances. When we changed this, He brought changes to our lives and breathed new life into our financial situation.

Show God that you trust Him. Give Him what he asks for and stand firm on it, committing to do it no matter what comes your way. You will never regret it.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Your Daily Bible Verse – 1-6-12

(1 Cor 1:27 NKJV)  But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty;

God is mighty. God is awesome. God is bigger and more powerful than our human minds can ever completely understand.

What we fail to understand, though, is that God is not complicated in the way He chooses to do things in our lives. God works in our lives in very simple ways. It’s us, frail human beings, who choose to complicate things.

So many times we try to figure God out. We try to fit Him into a box. We try to squeeze Him into the mold that our mind creates in an effort to understand Him or make ourselves equal with Him.

In doing this, we push ourselves further away from Him instead of drawing closer to Him. Our intellect can never equal the wisdom of God. Our reasoning can never figure God out. Instead of trying to make ourselves equal to Him with our minds, maybe it’s time we humble ourselves before Him and accept the way He chooses to do things in our lives.

Simplicity and humility before God is not something to be ashamed of. It’s a necessity.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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